9 Questions You Need to Ask Your HVAC Technician

When you book an appointment with an HVAC technician, asking questions about your HVAC system is helpful. The lack of insights on how your HVAC system functions, especially if you still believe in harmful myths surrounding air conditioners, will prove harmful to your HVAC (click here) system. Unknowingly, you might be spending several thousand dollars than if you know how to do your part to take care of your HVAC system. As for the pointed questions you need to ask your HVAC technicians, here are nine of the most essential:

  1. What is the Best Thermostat Setting?

The thermostat setting has always been a source of dispute among family members. To settle this dispute and save on cooling and heating costs, valuable insights from your HVAC technician can help you determine the best thermostat setting that can be comfortable for everyone at home, depending on the season.

  1. Should I consider getting a smart thermostat?

Smart thermostats, especially when mated with the ideal HVAC system for your home, can provide the most efficient environment and air quality. However, you also need to consider if your current system is compatible, aside from the installation and maintenance costs. An HVAC technician can help you make an informed decision on this matter.

  1. Can you improve the air quality of my home?

HVAC system controls your home’s air quality and provides temperature levels that are comfortable for you. Besides maintaining your air conditioners, HVAC companies offer services that improve your home’s air quality, such as providing installation of dehumidifiers, air purifiers, and duct cleaning.

  1. Can you clean my air ducts?

Among the services HVAC companies offer to improve your home’s air quality and efficiency of your HVAC system is cleaning your air ducts. You may ask them to check your air duct’s current condition and schedule when they will need cleaning.

  1. Does your company offer complete maintenance plans?

To save on the high costs of major repairs, having your HVAC system looked after regularly can ensure this, plus help make these work properly for a longer time. Typical HVAC systems require maintenance checking every six months. By having regular maintenance checks, you can expect your HVAC system to work trouble-free when you need it.

  1. When will your next appointment be?

If you haven’t signed up for a maintenance plan from a trusted HVAC company, it is helpful to ask when your HVAC technician might be needed. Since they saw everything in your air conditioning unit or your HVAC system, they are the best placed to know when a part might fail. This question becomes very important if you are gearing up for the summer.

  1. How long will my current air conditioner last?

Your HVAC technician might buy time for your air conditioner to work correctly. However, they surely detected signs that your older system may need replacement. As frequently encountered by most HVAC customers using an older system, a patch-up job is usually followed with planning to replace their older system. Moreover, older systems might use refrigerants, such as R12 and R22, which damages the ozone layer once they leak out. Since replacements for these refrigerants are becoming increasingly rare, the replacement cost can be prohibitive later.

  1. Which is the best new air conditioner to select?

Your HVAC technician can consider all factors when they recommend which air conditioners are the ideal fit for your home. They know the factors that go into the SEER rating to ensure that your new air conditioner will work efficiently through different seasons.

  1. What are SEER ratings?

This rating is an abbreviation for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This rating is crucial for central air conditioners. For residents that live in cooling areas, the target SEER rating is 13. For residents in warmer areas, the SEER requirement is 14. Your HVAC technician can help you determine the ideal SEER rating your home requires and what air conditioning systems you need to select.

Takeaways: Get the Most Value from The Visit of Your HVAC Technician

Don’t be afraid to ask questions to get the most out of your HVAC technician’s visit. Knowing the functions of various components of your HVAC system can help you save several thousands of dollars by avoiding costly repairs due to misuse. Moreover, they are the best-placed people to determine if you need to overhaul your HVAC systems. Best of all, it doesn’t harm to ask a few questions if it means avoiding the inconvenience of your air conditioner breaking down at the peak of summer.

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